SEC Health & Safety Guidelines
While it’s exciting that things are starting to reopen, it can evoke fear and anxiety in many who want to ensure a safe transition back to a more social environment.
Here are some tips to help us all return to a safe and healthy environment, both mentally and physically.
- The total number of individuals in a cohort was revised from 10 to 15 and specified that it does not include staff (see 3)
- Removed reference to the use of thermometers between camp participants/staff
- Specified that provincial testing guidance should inform asymptomatic testing (see 22)
This guidance provides basic information only. It is not intended to take the place of medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, or legal advice.
In the event of any conflict between this guidance document and any orders or directives issued by the Minister of Health or the Chief Medical Officer of Health (CMOH), the order or directive prevails.
Please check the Ministry of Health (MOH) COVID–19 website regularly for updates to this document, Reference Document for Symptoms, mental health resources, and other information.
Please check the Directives, Memorandums and Other Resources page regularly for the most up to date directives.
Programs are required to follow all existing worker health and safety requirements as outlined in the Occupational Health and Safety Act and its regulations, public health requirements as directed by the local medical officer of health, and other relevant requirements as outlined in policies and guidelines issued by the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries.
Plans must also be in place to respond should any staff, participant, or parents/guardians be exposed to or diagnosed with COVID-19.
SEC will ensure all current infection prevention and control practices are adhered to. This includes, but is not limited to:
- Ensuring all equipment used are made of material that can be cleaned and disinfected (i.e., avoid plush toys, play dough)
- Minimizing the sharing and frequency of touching of objects, equipment and surfaces, and other personal items;
- The increase/decrease of the number of participants will be assessed as deemed necessary, based on the situation about the
- Participants that are absent must be contacted.
- Families/guardians must be questioned as to why the participant is absent. If it is reported from the family/guardian that the participant is showing symptoms of illness they must be told that they are not to return to the program for 10 days. After 10 days the participant can return to program; however, they must be symptom free for a minimum 48 hours.
- Documentation of both the participants/staff attendance and absences must be ongoing and maintained so that they can be shared with Public Health if an outbreak.
Parent Drop Off/Pick Up
- Anyone entering the Centre must complete a self-screening for COVID-19 form upon
- Individual should be encouraged to use the self-assessment tool at home if they have any symptoms and to follow the instructions
- Staff should refer to the online COVID-19 self-assessment tool if they or others at SEC start to experience symptoms during the day
- Pick-up and drop-off of participants must be at a designated area.
- Visitors will be suspended from attending SEC at this time and will be reviewed regularly based on Public Health guidelines.
- A staff designated daily as a screener will take appropriate precautions when screening, including maintaining a distance of at least 2 metres (6 feet) from those being screened, wearing personal protective equipment (PPE)(i.e., surgical mask and eye protection goggles or face shield).
- Staff supervisor will maintain a daily log of everyone entering the Centre, including name, contact information, time of arrival/departure.
- Signs will be posted at screening stations and entrances to remind all that they must be screened before entering the building.
- Signs will be displayed signs including the screening questions that will instruct people with symptoms or high-risk exposures not to enter the premises.
- Parents/guardians must not enter the building or go beyond the drop-off/pick-up areas unless it is determined there is a need, and if so, they must be actively screened and should adhere to public health measures (e.g., mask, hand hygiene, physical distancing).
- All equipment will be cleaned and disinfected daily.
- Sharing of objects, equipment and surfaces, and other personal items, will be minimized where possible or cleaned and disinfected between
- Touched surfaces will be cleaned and disinfected twice daily at a minimum; however, more frequent cleaning and disinfection may be necessary, depending on the frequency of use and extent of soilage. Examples include, but are not limited to toilet and faucet handles, tables, knobs, handles, light switches, and touch screens.
- Frequent and proper hand hygiene will be monitored by staff, such as handwashing with soap and water or using an alcohol- based hand-rub (ABHR) at 60% to 90% alcohol concentration when hands are visibly soiled.
- Ensure that everyone performs hand hygiene often throughout the day including before and after eating, using shared equipment, activities, after toileting, blowing their nose, and before touching their
- Ensure each participant and staff member follows appropriate respiratory etiquette, such as avoiding touching their face and/or mask and coughing/sneezing into their elbow, sleeve, or tissue.
- Physical distancing of at least 2 metres will be maintained and encouraged between participants, parents/guardians, and
- Physical distancing will be achieved by:
- Choosing or modifying activities to minimize close contact;
- Spreading participants into different areas
- Spread furniture, equipment, and activity stations into different areas to allow for more space;
- Using visual cues (e.g., signs, posters, floor markings, )
- Masks will be worn indoor unless eating or drinking
- Eating outdoors will be encouraged when possible and weather permitting.
- Lunchtimes or other activities will be staggered to reduce number of individuals in common areas at one time
- Participants and staff will perform proper hand hygiene before and after
- Food and drinks are not to be shared including and not limited to birthday celebrations. Participants and staff will bring their own drink bottle (or have access to disposable cups) that is labeled, kept with them during the day, and not
- Participants and staff will have their own individual meal or
Masks and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Masks must be worn by staff and participants indoors, unless the individual:
- Has a medical condition that inhibits their ability to wear a mask or face covering;
- Is unable to put on or remove their mask or face covering without the assistance of another
- Is eating or
- Is at their desk or workspace (for staff) and there is a barrier in
- Masks should be always covering the nose and mouth, as per Public Health guidelines.
- Masks should be changed when visibly soiled, damp, or Replacements masks will be made available.
- Masks should be avoided if undue risk may occur (e.g., interfering with communication or with the specific activity), or if breathing is difficult during extremely hot weather In these instances, physical distancing must be maintained.
- Staff will wear eye protection (e.g., face shield, goggles) when engaging with an individual who is not wearing a mask and physical distance of at least 2 metres cannot be maintained
- A personal protective equipment (PPE) kit will be maintained specifically for managing a participant or others who become symptomatic. The kits will be kept in a secured location, readily available for staff use.
Programs and Activities
- Activities that involve singing, dancing, drama, or videography, where possible 1 metre physical distancing is encouraged. Masks must be worn for all indoor activities.
- Any recreational fitness activities must adhere to applicable requirements set out in subsection 45 (7) of Schedule 7 of Reg. 82/20, subsection 19(7) of Schedule 2 of O. Reg. 263/20, and subsection 16 (1) of Schedule 2 of O. Reg. 364/20
- In Step 3 of the Road map to Reopen, low contact sports and recreational fitness activities are permitted indoors.
- Masking is not required indoors for these sports/activities if distancing can be maintained.
- Programs that involve food preparation and consumption activities should follow hand hygiene and public health standards and all public health
- All field trips are suspended at this time and will be reviewed regularly based on Public Health guidelines.
- In the event that field trips resume, the follow measures should be followed:
- Participants and staff must be actively screened prior to boarding.
- Participants and staff are not permitted to board the bus if they have symptoms or otherwise do not pass
- Masks must be worn for all participants and staff
- To the extent possible, physical distancing should be
- All passengers must clean their hands prior to
- Eating and drinking is not allowed on the bus.
- Staff must maintain a seating plan of all passengers including the date of travel for the duration of transport for the purposes of contact
- If parents/guardians are dropping off/picking up participants or staff directly at the departure/destination of transportation, parents/guardians should wear a mask and maintain a physical distance of 2 metres from other participants, staff, or parents/guardians.
- The vehicle must be cleaned and disinfected after each use including high touch surfaces (e.g., seatbelts, armrests, handles).
Active Health Screening
- All individuals, including SEC special needs participants, whether or not they have been vaccinated, will be required to complete the
COVID-19 Daily Health Screening Form.
- All individuals, including SEC special needs participants, whether or not they have been vaccinated, will be required to complete the
- This screening form must be completed before or immediately upon arriving at the Centre to minimize interactions with others.
- Daily screening must be completed electronically (e.g., via online form) prior to arrival or in person at the program setting location.
- If any individual fails the health screening, they shall not be permitted to enter the Centre.
- If an essential visitor or parent enters the Centre, they are required to wear a mask for the duration of their visit. A record must also be kept of the essential visitor’s time of arrival and departure, and where in the Centre the essential visitor was present (e.g., keep a record of which room they visited if applicable).
Screening Area Set Up
- Health Screening (if not completed and submitted by the parent, staff, or essential visitor prior to arrival via google link) will take place at the main
- No individual shall be permitted to proceed into the centre without successfully passing the health
- A Screening table will have the following material available:
- Hand sanitizer
- Screening questionnaire
- Pens
- Disinfectant wipes
- Disposable gloves
- Disposable surgical/procedure masks
- Protective eyewear (goggles or face shield)
- Thermometer
- Small open top garbage pail
- Public Health COVID-19 information resources
- The health screening area will be set up to allow for physical distancing at a minimum of 2 metres:
- The staff conducting health screening will maintain a minimum of 2 metres distance between themselves and the person being screened, while wearing
- Visual guides will be set up to assist with physical distancing (e.g., tape or pylons) if a line-up forms while parents/guardians and their children are waiting to be
- Signage describing the health screening process and signs and symptoms of COVID-19 will be visible at the screening area and on the door of the
- We ask that families maintain 6 ft of distance from the entrance while the staff conduct their quick visual assessment.
Passive Health Screening
Posters will be displayed in highly visible areas for parents, staff, and visitors to see. Parents, Staff and Visitors must self-identify if they:
- have symptoms of fever, cough, or shortness of breathing
- have travelled outside of Canada in the past 14 days
- have had contact with a confirmed or probable case of COVID-19 in the past 14 days
- have been instructed by local public health authorities to self-isolate due to travel or contact history
Passive screening of the participants and staff will also take place through visual observations by the staff/supervisor. All passive screening results will be maintained on the weekly attendance sheets and kept on-site.
- If a participant begins to experience symptoms of COVID-19 while attending program, it is recommended that:
- Symptomatic participants be immediately separated from others in a supervised area until they can go In addition, where possible, anyone who is providing care to the participant should maintain a distance of at least 2 meters.
- Participants should be reminded of hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette while waiting to be picked-up.
- Tissues should be provided to the participant to support proper respiratory etiquette, along with proper disposal of the
- Environmental cleaning/disinfection of the space and items used by the camp should be conducted once the participant has been picked Items that cannot cleaned and disinfected (e.g., paper, books, cardboard puzzles) should be removed from the program and stored in a sealed container for a minimum of 7 days.
- Participants with symptoms should be tested (see “Testing for COVID-19″ section below for details).
- Other participants and staff who were present while a participant or staff member became ill should be identified as a close contact and further cohorted (i.e., grouped together). The local public health unit will provide any further direction on testing and isolation of these close
- Participants or staff who have been exposed to a confirmed case of COVID-19 should be excluded from the program setting for 14
- Symptomatic staff and participants should be referred for testing. Testing of asymptomatic persons should only be performed as per provincial testing A list of symptoms, including atypical signs and symptoms, can be also be found in the COVID–19 Reference Document for Symptoms on the Ministry of Health’s COVID-19 website.
- Those who test negative for COVID-19 must be excluded from the program until 24 hours after symptom
- Those who test positive for COVID-19 must be excluded from the program for 14 days after the onset of symptoms and clearance has been received from the local public health
- Participants or staff who have been in contact with a suspected COVID-19 case should be monitored for symptoms and further cohorted (i.e., grouped together) until laboratory tests, if any, have been completed or until directed by the local public health
- Staff members and participants awaiting test results who are symptomatic or have been advised to self-isolate by the local public health unit should be excluded from Other staff and participants awaiting results may not need to be excluded.