Some one once said that life lessons come from the journey and not the destination.

If I had to describe the journey SEC has been on the past 12 years I would have to borrow Michelle’s title of her beautiful painting entitled  “The joyful journey, I didn’t make it on my own!”  Many of you know that 20 years ago my husband and I gave birth to our 8th child Sara Elizabeth.  Our journey with our daughter Sara had many hills and valley but in the end God gave us our mountain top experience.  It was because of our journey with Sara, that we were able to start our charity,  Blue Veil  open our Centre, the  Sara Elizabeth Centre, named  in tribute to our daughter.  It truly has been a joyful journey and we truly have not made it here tonight on our own.

So I would like to thank all those who have traveled with us throughout these 11 years…..  What a truly joyful journey it has been and will continue to be!  A special thank you to all those who joined us along the way who came to give us a place to stay and call home,  to all the schools and organizations that  connect with our participants, staff and volunteers to form an integrated and inclusive community  where differences don’t matter,   to those who refresh us with their creativity as artists  and share their gifts in drama, dance or art with such guidance, patience and encouragement.   To all our representatives in the City of Vaughan, the Honorable Mayor Belvilaqua, the MPP, Steven DelDuca  MP, Frank Sorbara and  Deb Shulte and Councilor Tony Carella who continues to support or mission year after year…..and to our many supporters private and corporate who continue to generously give from their hearts.

A heart felt thank you  goes to the families who continue to bring our Shining Stars to SEC .

With out further ado I now invite you to watch highlights of our Charity Gala. Thank you Ksenia you truly captured the SEC vision! “Every one shines like a star!” Thank you also for going beyond the call of duty we are so pleased!!!

Click Here to watch Highlights of  SEC 2018 Charity Gala Event

“From the moment SEC contacted us to shoot their annual gala, we knew this was something we wanted to be a part of! The people who are a part of this organization are absolutely one of kind – they are so loving, supportive, and energetic – you simply feel full of happiness when spending time with them. It was an honour to be a part of this annual event – thank you SEC!!”  ( KS Studio – Ksenia Sachewsky)

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